Welcome to TBM Online Headquarters

Welcome to TBM’s Learning Headquarters!

Select from our menu of options below that which best matches your needs & interests.

Looking for a particular TBM course [e.g. Distance Healing (HO), Module 1a (PA1)] or wanting to peruse our library of topic-specific courses compiled from lessons extracted from thirty years of material? Enter here and view our offerings of over 25 courses.

New Career. 
Whether you are just out of high school or desiring a mid-life course change, we’re here to support you in embarking as a career as a TBM practitioner. Enter here to learn about our Wellness Coach, Life Coach, Pathophysiologist, and Researcher training.

Already a healthcare practitioner and wanting to add TBM certification? Or maybe you have limited TBM certification and want to build upon that. Enter here to learn what certifications we offer.