
AA – Module A (Art of Adjusting): Reflexive, Mechanical, & Manual Adjusting of the Spine & Extremities – Online Training Course


AA – Module A (Art of Adjusting): Reflexive, Mechanical, & Manual Adjusting of the Spine & Extremities – Online Training Course





This course provides training in the adjustment versions of many different TBM corrections (e.g. Inferior Occiput, Jaw Lateralization, Costal Torsion) and multiple articular and soft-tissue techniques not found elsewhere in the curriculum. Many of the techniques are only appropriate for those licensed to perform spinal adjustments [e.g. chiropractors, osteopaths, naturopaths (where allowed), medical doctors]. However, there are many crucial techniques taught here that are within the scope of every TBM practitioner. Furthermore, it is of immense value for each TBM practitioner to understand the adjustment versions and the additional adjustments to enhance their ability to make appropriate referrals to those who have received this training and are licensed to perform them.
*Reduced fees are applicable to the following individuals listed below. TBM requires proof of status PRIOR to attendance/streaming of content. To expedite access to your online seminar, please email proof of your reduced status to [email protected].
  • Refreshers: registrant has completed the identical seminar previously (Verification of Attendance Form)
  • Students: full-time enrollment at an accredited health care degree-granting institution (ID with year OR most recent class schedule printout that includes student’s name)
  • Faculty/Resident: employment at/through an accredited health care degree-granting institution (ID Badge)
  • 1st Year: within 1 year of graduation from an accredited health care degree-granting institution (Diploma)

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