Soft Tissue, Energy, Emotion, Immune, & Mind Practitioner Certification
This product only includes the certification application fee. No live events or online-training courses are included.
To qualify for “BE” certification complete the following five (5) steps:
Part 1 – Learn the material
Attend two (2) live SE1 and SE2 (Module 2 parts A & B) seminars. Online equivalents may be substituted (SE1, SE2, & Foundations – Intensive – OR – the complete Foundations (Wellness Coach) certification bundle).
Part 2 – Receive TBM care
Achieve “double-negative” status for the Basic Structural, Allergy, Emotion, Energy, Learning, & Immunological Exams and pass the “Challenge Meal” with the assistance of a certified TBM practitioner. This may be conducted remotely. Contact us for a referral if needed.
Part 3 – Deliver TBM care
Achieve “double-negative” status of the Basic Structural, Allergy, Emotion, Energy, Learning, & Immunological Exams on 10 clients.
Part 4 – Demonstrate proficiency
Make a video of yourself performing the Basic Structural, Allergy, Emotion, Energy, Learning, & Immunological Exams on a client.
- Perform EVERY test and the relevant corrections by memory
- Only do the corrections that the client requires
- The patient may be a return client, it does not need to be a first time client
- Must be completed in 30 minutes or less
- A cell phone video is sufficient, and it may be taken from a tripod as long as the setup is such that both tests and
corrections are reasonably visible to the camera. - OPTIONAL: state aloud while being recorded what you are doing while you are doing it (i.e. “The next point is the Gall Bladder which is on the right side in the 6th rib interspace along the mid-clavicular line”). This will increase the likelihood that certification will be awarded as there is both the visual and audio that may be evaluated. Do not let this create an undue burden or cause an excessive lengthening of the time it takes to complete the BPE.
Part 5 – Submit you documentation
Purchase Soft Tissue, Energy, Emotion, Immune, & Mind Practitioner Certification (Module 2), this is included in the complete Foundations (Wellness Coach) certification bundle, on Then email a copy of the records demonstrating completion of requirements and a link to your video to [email protected].
Upon successful completion of these requirements you will receive the certification below as an emailed document which you may print and display. You will also be listed as a certified practitioner on TBM’s practitioner directory, and you will be eligible for participation in “certified-practitioner only” features on our website.

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