Art of Adjusting Articulations Practitioner Certification
This product only includes the certification application fee. No live events or online-training courses are included.
To qualify for “AA” certification complete the following three (3) steps:
Part 1 – Learn the material
Attend two (2) live AA (Art of Adjusting) seminar. Online equivalents may be substituted (AA0, Foundations – Intensive – OR – the complete Foundations certification bundle.
Part 2 – Demonstrate proficiency
Make a video, maximum 30 minutes. Include the following:
- The setup of every adjustment taught in Module A (AA0), in the order listed below. You may reference this form for the order, but the setup must be completed by memory.
- Category IV-XV
- Condyle Lift
- Basic Plane
- Condyle Life
- Level One
- Basic Bio-Energetic Synchronization
- Buccinator Technique
- Jaw Lateralization
- Posterior Occiput
- Anterior Atlas
- Intervertebral Disc Lesion
- Shoulder Torque
- Bicipital Tendon Subluxation
- Rib Torque
- Anterior Thoracics
- Diaphragmatic Reset
- Sacral Spin
- Side Posture Ilium
- Anterior Femur Head
- Cardiac Low Back
- Superior Patella
- Lateral Tibia Head
- Posterior Fibula
- Dancer’s Foot
- Inhalation Allergy
- Cervical Pattern
- Pelvic Pattern
- Posterior Fibula Pattern
- Superman Shoulders
- Sacral Base Posterior
- Chronic Nagging Low Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Lumbars from the Rear
- Facetal Syndrome
- Spinal Torque
- Superior Ribs
- Subclinical Shoulder Separation
- Inferior Occiput
- Thoracic Lift
- Inferior Humoral Head
- Then complete adjustments for 15 adjustments on the list above. Include the Condyle Lift as one of the 15 adjustments. List the 15 adjustments in the order performed on the video. Again, referencing this form for the adjustments you have chosen is acceptable, but the adjustments must be performed by memory.
- A cell phone video is sufficient, and it may be taken from a tripod as long as the video view is such that both tests and corrections are reasonably visible to the camera.
- While not required, it is highly recommended that the provider describe what they are doing as they do it (i.e. “I’m wrapping my fingers under the chin, my forearm under the occiput, and my bicep and pectoralis further stabilize the patient’s head. Then the base of my palm contacts the condyle of the occiput and I provide a straight superior thrust using a body movement that is initiated with my back foot.”). This will increase the likelihood that certification will be awarded as there is both the visual and audio that may be evaluated. NOTE: A helpful reference is the form used to track the Comprehensive Structural Exam.
Part 3 – Submit you documentation
- Purchase Art of Adjusting Articulations Practitioner Certification (Module A) on
- Email a copy of the records demonstrating completion of requirements, including a link to above-described video, of you to [email protected].
Upon successful completion of these requirements you will receive the certification below as an emailed document which you may print and display. You will also be listed as a certified practitioner on TBM’s practitioner directory, and you will be eligible for participation in “certified-practitioner only” features on our website.

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