
Foundations – Intensive – Online Training Course

Foundations – Intensive – Online Training Course




Foundations of Healing: TBM’s complete endocrine, immunological, and cardiovascular renewal program.

*Reduced fees are applicable to the following individuals listed below. TBM requires proof of status PRIOR to attendance/streaming of content. To expedite access to your online seminar, please email proof of your reduced status to [email protected].

  • Refreshers: registrant has completed the identical seminar previously (Verification of Attendance Form)
  • Students: full-time enrollment at an accredited health care degree-granting institution (ID with year OR most recent class schedule printout that includes student’s name)
  • Faculty/Resident: employment at/through an accredited health care degree-granting institution (ID Badge)
  • 1st Year: within 1 year of graduation from an accredited health care degree-granting institution (Diploma)

Course Preview


We highly recommend viewing the following prior to this Intensive:
PB1: Energetic Protection & Projected Meditation (Module 4 part 1)
PA1: Foundations of Healing: Physiological Reset (pt1) & Autonomic Recovery (Module 1 part 1)
PA2: Foundations of Healing: Physiological Reset (pt2) & Nutritional Support (Module 1 part 2)
SE1: Soft Tissue, Immune & Neurological: Myofascial pain, Allergies, Cognition, Menuing, & Additional Body Points (Module 2 part 1)
SE2: Energy & Emotion (Module 2 part 1)
AA: Art of Adjusting Articulations: Reflexive, Mechanical, & Manual Adjusting of the Spine & Extremities


Dr. Victor Frank loved receiving phone calls from TBM practitioners to discuss cases. Practitioners from around the world capitalized on this opportunity. Whenever someone would call, they were always asked this question first, “Did you do The Basics?” Dr. Frank taught students that they could guarantee results in TBM if they did The Basics first. He also taught that the sicker a person is the more they needed The Basics.


The Basics is what the body requires to restore its ability to self-regulate. The Basics lay the foundation for homeostasis in the presence of normal daily stress. Self-regulation and homeostasis result in resilience in the body. Without this foundation, healing progress is challenging and generally short-lived. The more ailments a person has, the more the body has lost its self-regulation and resilience.

The changes required to reestablish self-regulation and homeostasis are The Basics. There are 2 categories: practitioner corrections and lifestyle modification. Neither are enough on their own. It is only through implementation of both that we reestablish self-regulation and homeostasis.


In Foundations of Healing we teach the techniques required to restore a body to self-regulation and homeostasis. Sound like a tall order? It is. Over four decades, TBM has developed a training method that achieves this lofty aim. Using demonstration and workshopping, we teach each test and correction of The Basics. We also teach the lifestyle modifications and how to get clients to make the changes. Our aim for the course is that every attendee understands how to implement the TBM Basics.


Here are the contents of the Foundations of Healing intensive:

  • Basic Energetical Exam: Re-establishing the body’s ability to draw energy from both the earth and the cosmos

  • Fractured Crucible: Reestablishing a person’s capacity to strengthen their electromagnetic fields

  • Core Essence/Protection: Strengthening the body’s electromagnetic fields and establishing an auric shield

  • Autonomic Recovery Program: Lifestyle implementation program to support restoration of self-regulation and resilience

  • Surface Anatomy: Locating TBM landmarks to do TBM with precision

  • Basic Physiological Exam: Over 100 tests and corrections of basic body functions

  • Basic Structural Exam: Restoring global harmony/alignment of the axial skeleton (cranium, thorax, pelvis)

  • Basic Allergical Exam: Eliminating the majority of food and environmental sensitivities

  • Basic Emotional Exam: Foundational emotional corrections to release basic body functions from chronic emotional patterns

  • Basic Learning (Neurological) Exam: Restoring cognition and expression

  • Basic Immunological Exam: Activating immune responsiveness to pathogens

  • Need & Use: Targeted neurosensory evaluation of foundational nutritional deficiencies

  • Additional Body Points: 68 additional tests and corrections.

  • Structural Integrity (or Harmony): Assessment of global and segmental structure and the process of structural attunement

  • Menuing: Charting the path from the symptom to the correction

  • Core Essence/Protection. Internal energetic cleansing, increasing bioenergy, establishing adequate bio-shielding

NOTES: This counts as a single-qualifying attendance towards Wellness Coach (Foundations)/BA, AA and partial for BE and BP certification.


Based on our observations over the years, we found that doctors/providers who take all the courses in a relatively short time-period are more successful in implementing TBM into their practice as they are better able to understand how TBM works as a complete system of healing. For that, and other reasons, we have chosen to bring back the TBM Intensives that Dr. Victor Frank used to offer.

These Intensives provide a unique opportunity to learn from someone who learned TBM under the tutelage of Dr. Frank. Dr. Millet have been overseeing the development of TBM for the past 11 years and will bring a wealth of insight that exceeds the standardly presented curriculum. These intensives will provide a great embellishment to the pre-recorded seminars.

The course may be registered for as an entire series at a savings of $2000 or they may be selected individually.

There are not prerequisites needed for any of these courses, however students who do not already possess a basic college level understanding of anatomy and physiology are recommended to contact us for guidance on self-study courses that will quickly impart the knowledge needed to study TBM.

If you have any questions or require assistance with registration please phone us at +1 (435) 652-4340 or email us at [email protected].

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