
HO – Module HO: Holographic & Distance Healing – Online Training Course with Dr. Kevin S. Millet

HO – Module HO: Holographic & Distance Healing – Online Training Course with Dr. Kevin S. Millet




TBM Healing at a Distance – Surrogate & Non-Surrogate Remote Attunements
Distance healing has been part of our healing lineage since it’s inception in the late 18th century. It has been part of TBM from early on. Victor used to call it “power adjusting.” Performing remote TBM on someone using a live assistant is quite simple and only a few rules need to be followed. Some TBM practitioners work exclusively over-the-phone without an assistant acting as a surrogate. We call this holographic TBM (holoTBM).
In this course we will teach you how to effectively and consistently provide TBM on those who are unable to come to you. We will cover all particulars from theory to practice. There are multiple demonstrations in the course to allow you to see remote TBM in action.
This course will enable you to expand your practice to those outside of your proximal community and be more resilent in the face of any future shut-downs that may occur.
The course consists of seven segments each ranging from 35 to 58 minutes for a total run time of just over 5 hours. Here are the particular segments and length.
  • HO_01_INTRODUCTION (35 min)
  • HO_02_POWER_ADJUSTING (48 min)
  • HO_04_SURROGATE_DEMOS (58 min)
  • HO_05_HOLOGRAPHIC_DEMOS (43 min)
  • HO_06_WORKSHOP_&_SPECIFICS (44 min)
  • HO_07_METHODS_&_CLOSING (35 min)
You will not only be learning remote healing but will also be observing Dr. Millet work with real clients and how he approaches TBM attunements.
This course promises to be one of the most important any TBM practitioner could ever take as it will expand each viewers ability to provide TBM when it would have been previously impossible. Not only bringing added revenue and increased flexibility but also a greater reach and therefore a greater level of service.


  • Purchase of this product must be approved by TBM prior to video segments becoming available for viewing. This may result in a 1-2 business days delay. If you purchased at the reduced rate, email your documentation to [email protected] to expedite the approval. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Each video section may be opened only once*, you may review that section as many times as you wish so long as you do not close the video window.  Once the video window is closed you will be locked out and unable to view the video again.
  • Important! Use an up-to-date web browser and video plugin to view videos. Prior to viewing any video segment, be sure to update your web browser and video plugin with the most current version.
  • E-Motion TBM with Dr. Kevin Millet may be viewed an unlimited number of times. We recommend testing your ability to view videos on our website with this recording.
  • The seminar is broken up into 7 sections. Each section is about 30 to 60 minutes for a total running time of approximately 6 hours.
  • We recommend adding a Complete TBM Vial Library. This will help facilitate the learning and implementation of the material.
*Reduced fees are applicable to the following individuals listed below. TBM requires proof of status PRIOR to attendance/streaming of content. To expedite access to your online seminar, please email proof of your reduced status to [email protected].
  • Refreshers: registrant has completed the identical seminar previously (Verification of Attendance Form)
  • Students: full-time enrollment at an accredited health care degree-granting institution (ID with year OR most recent class schedule printout that includes student’s name)
  • Faculty/Resident: employment at/through an accredited health care degree-granting institution (ID Badge)
  • 1st Year: within 1 year of graduation from an accredited health care degree-granting institution (Diploma)


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