SUMMARY: The body speaks through symptoms. The symptoms need to be addressed, instead of masked through the scar, burn, poison (biomedical model). Considering the way we treat our bodies analogous to handling a baby, it is clear there must be an alternative to biomedical measures. TBM practitioners offer a new way to listen to the body and deal with symptoms.

Let me say that again:
Symptoms are the language of the body.
The body runs much like a computer. There are programs running every cell within the body. We call them bioprograms. These programs can work for or against you. A program that is working correctly within you is a resonant bioprogram. A solid goal would be to maximize the amount of resonant bioprograms. A program that is working against you is a dissonant bioprogram. Another goal would be to decrease or eliminate dissonant bioprograms.
Symptoms are the language of the body. When the body speaks through symptoms, it is alerting us that a dissonant bioprogram needs to be updated, replaced, or modified. TBM practitioners are trained to work with the client’s body to pinpoint specific bioprograms and stimulate the body to fix the program.
Bringing problematic programs into focus and finding out what the body wants and needs updated eliminates the need for the symptom. So, the symptom was just trying to communicate: “Hey, look at this symptom, there’s trouble brewing in here.” How can we bypass the need for symptoms?
What happens when we stop muzzling our body’s ability to speak? The masking effect of the scar, burn, poison biomedical model uses medications to cover symptoms.
For instance, if you have a fever, you can take something to bring the fever down instead of letting the fever run its course to kill the virus or bacteria it is after. Or, if you are overweight, they can band your stomach or put you on pills. If you are dealing with depression or moods, there are countless possibilities to alter the brain’s chemical makeup on the market, including shock therapies.
When we acknowledge that symptoms are the language of the body, we have to see what they are communicating. Symptoms make us uncomfortable so we will seek help, to get true healing for you. Symptoms are not meant to be spray-painted and covered up. Let’s look at an analogy to show how careless such measures are:
The symptom is much like a crying baby. There’s a checklist a parent runs through: Does the baby need a diaper change? Has the baby eaten? Is the baby cold? Does the baby need sleep?
A hungry baby doesn’t need a pharmaceutical. The baby needs fed. If a parent popped the baby a pill instead of a boob or bottle, we would call that abuse. A poopy baby doesn’t need surgery, it needs a diaper change. Sleepy babies don’t need electroshock therapy, they need a quiet place to sleep. Why, then, do we accept extreme measures for our own bodies?
Once a symptom presents, at any point in the TBM journey, we ask the body where to begin the healing process. The body knows what’s wrong and the body knows how to fix what’s wrong. Symptoms are a means of communication if we have dissonant bioprograms. Of course, they do need to be dealt with. Allow your TBM practitioner to show you a different way to deal with symptoms.