
Meditation, Protection, & Rapid Case Resolutions Practitioner Certification (Module 4)

Meditation, Protection, & Rapid Case Resolutions Practitioner Certification (Module 4)




Meditation, Protection, & Rapid Case Resolutions Practitioner Certification

This product only includes the certification application fee. No live events or online-training courses are included.


To qualify for “BP” certification complete the following six (6) steps:

Part 1 – Learn the material
Attend two (2) live PB1 and PB2 (Module 4 parts A & B) seminars. Online equivalents may be substituted (PB1, PB2, Energy & Energy – Intensive, and Pathophysiology – Intensive – OR – the Energy & Emotion (Life Coach) certification bundle and the Pathophysiology (Pathophysiologist) certification bundle).

Part 2 – Receive TBM care
Practice running Core Essence Protection every morning and evening, AND Stoke the Fire at midday, every day for 2
weeks consecutively.

Part 3 – Deliver TBM Care
Have 10 clients complete 2 consecutive weeks of Core Essence Protection, every morning and evening, and Stoke the
Fire at midday.

Part 4 – Utilization of Techniques
Use five (5) other techniques from PB1 & PB2/Module 4, either yourself or with a client. Examples include Biocomputer, Sacred Garden,
salting the perimeter of a house, salt water in rooms, etc. Please see The Big Book, Module 4 section for additional methods.

Part 5 – Write Case Reviews
Write 5 case reviews on patients you have treated utilizing the knowledge from PB1 & PB2/Module 4. Each case study must include
the following information.

  1. Presenting symptomatology.
  2. The significant diagnostic findings – physical exams, laboratory tests, imaging studies. These findings may be
    conducted by the provider themselves, or from the patient’s previous history.
  3. Three (3) clinically significant contributions that came out of the basics (e.g. patient was hypo-hydrated, there
    was a significant emotional component, patient had dental amalgams that were neutralized, etc.).
  4. Detail the backward thinking process you used in this case. Your research citations are recommended but not
  5. The techniques performed on the patient out of the backward thinking process.
  6. Use of supporting nutritionals.
  7. The symptomatological and diagnostic outcome.

Part 6 – Submit you documentation
Purchase Meditation, Protection, & Rapid Case Resolutions Practitioner Certification (Module 4) on livetbm.com. Then email a copy of the records demonstrating completion of requirements to [email protected].

Upon successful completion of these requirements you will receive the certification below as an emailed document which you may print and display. You will also be listed as a certified practitioner on TBM’s practitioner directory, and you will be eligible for participation in “certified-practitioner only” features on our website.

download form

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